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Developed by Malisha Perera

Health Solutions & Consultancy Services

Our Services
Who are we ?

Health Solutions & Consultancy Services (Pvt) Ltd is focused on inspiring better health by providing expertise for the global health sector.
Our multidisciplinary team of consultants specializes in all areas responsible for providing healthcare solutions on par with international standards.

Our Vision

To be a world leader in providing solutions through a wide range of services and expertise in healthcare.

Our Mission

To provide leadership, guidance and direction by a multidisciplinary team of skilled and experienced professionals in the health sector.

  • Good Governance
  • Respect for stakeholders
  • Equality
  • Cultural Diversity
  • For a business to thrive, the health of its employees is a key determining factor. Studies show that healthy employees tend to be more productive and efficient which makes them the pillars of organizational success. It determines how well a company is equipped to meet adversity and overcome various challenges.

    World leaders like Bill Gates have long advocated the benefits of corporate employee health. The benefits are being fast recognized throughout the world.

    Creating a work culture that promotes health through your employees' lives has various benefits which is why emphasizing employee wellbeing is important. It contributes massively to overall employee engagement within the business and employee wellness can also improve a company's image in the eyes of its customers and competitors.

    In the modern world, promoting health has become an integral part of corporate culture. It encompasses all aspects of health and wellness including the physical and mental health of the employee as well as their families. Many employers worldwide realize this and put the health of their employees first by introducing various wellness programs and initiatives.

    The easiest way to encourage employee health is by introducing health initiatives and a positive company culture which has the potential to improve overall employee engagement and productivity.

    An effective wellness program can provide a number of benefits to both employers and employees. Corporate Wellness Programs are specially designed programs to introduce health initiatives such as Employee health checks and screening, lifestyle changes, annual Biometric Tests, health risk assessment, Balanced diet and good nutritional habits, Ergonomics in the workspace, Workplace Cleanliness, and Stress management.

    Ready to take employee Health to the next level in your organization? Focus on the things that make a difference, and not the easy things. Your employees’ health is worth it.

    Contact us now

    A hospital, a Primary Care Provider, or a Specialist Outpatient Clinic is a place where one seeks advice and comfort, where excellence is the minimum expectation, and where a mistake could decide between life and death.

    Accreditation is a strategic business tool that helps Healthcare Institutes such as hospitals live up to those expectations. Requirements for accreditation are different from nation to nation. Accreditation is a valuable asset to any hospital whether mandated by law or embraced voluntarily to build prestige.

    Accreditation programs address regulatory requirements and provide best practices for Clinical or healthcare organizations. These are designed to support the development and continuous improvement of healthcare quality and patient safety in the organization. It also ensures general safety for workers, patients, and visitors. Accreditation provides assurance to patients, staff, and stakeholders that the hospital is working in accordance with established best practices.

    Accreditation requirements provide healthcare organizations with a clear framework for required compliance and improvement of patient safety and quality of care. Surveys are one of the tools of these programs to provide insight and understanding of what is working effectively and what can be improved.

    Surveyor teams that combine international experience with local knowledge are hired who provide a supportive and objective third-party assessment of systems, processes, and facilities. The approach of the team of experts makes accreditation against the standard a tool for identifying goals and implementing change at every level of the organization. Key aspects of organizational governance and clinical care, including quality management system and governance, medication management, higher risk services, Patient rights and confidentiality, medical record-keeping, infection control practices, Physical environment, and pro-active Risk management are covered in the requirements and surveyors employ a variety of methods for assessment, including staff interviews, organizational document review, medical record review, patient interviews and feedback, building and offsite visits.

    Outcomes of accreditations can be summed up as,

    Most companies in the modern world seek guidance from experts in the field of obtaining accreditation to help their organizations fulfill those requirements.

    Do you require consultancy for obtaining Healthcare Accreditations? Our panel of experts are ready to work with you.

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    Health tourism allows people to travel to different countries to receive health services and benefits to increase their quality of life and well-being. Tourists get to engage in activities, treatments, and therapies with physical, mental, and spiritual benefits.

    Sri Lanka is well known across the globe for its medical and wellness tourism - hospitality, lovely people, serene beauty as an island, breathtaking sceneries, historical landscapes, and natural resources. Tourists are pampered throughout their stay on the island with cozy lodgings, delicious food, nature trails as well as local arts and crafts. Srilanka is one of the top destinations of choice for health tourism, for various health concerns in the fields of,

    Our highly specialized medical professionals and Internationally accredited, state-of-the-art medical facilities are able to cater to customers from all over the world with significant cost savings, personalized care, and excellent clinical outcomes.
    Attractive travel packages are available with round trip travel support-medical treatment travel assistance to a hotel of the patient’s choice, reservation assistance, and visa procedure to make the experience hassle-free. The plan for the stay will be tailor-made combining the duration of the treatments and the pleasure activities such as sightseeing, trekking, and safari depending on the request.

    We, as Health Solutions, offer exciting travel experiences in Sri Lanka for medical and wellness tourists, along with the treatment of their choice and tailor-made travel itineraries.

    Contact us now

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    The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will instruct his patients in care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.

    Thomas Edison

    Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, and skillful execution. It represents the wise choice of many alternatives.

    William A. Foster

    Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have.

    Winston Churchill